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Brush up on your beekeeping knowledge and skills with our range of articles crafted by expert beekeepers

Free online beekeeping articles

Dive into a world of beekeeping knowledge with expert tips and practical advice to keep your colonies thriving. Our articles cover everything from hive health and management techniques to seasonal care and queen rearing.

New articles will be uploaded on a weekly basis.

How to keep your bees hydrated

How to keep your bees hydrated

Bee Friendly Garden
Hydration is crucial for the health and productivity of your bee colony. Bees need water for temperature regulation, food processing, and brood rearing. In this article, we’ll explore effective ways to ensure your bees have access to clean, reliable water sources.
Signs it's time to requeen your beehive

Signs it's time to requeen your beehive

Hive Health

Learn the key signs that indicate it’s time to replace your queen bee, including decreased egg production, poor brood patterns and hive behaviour to maintain a healthy and thriving colony.

Find my local beekeeping club

Beekeeping clubs are a great way to pick up beekeeping as a hobby by gaining valuable skills and knowledge by experienced beekeepers.

Find my local beekeeping club